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In School and Out: 13 short stories of gay love
In School and Out: 13 short stories of gay love Read online
In School and Out
Thirteen erotic short stories
First published in Great Britain in 2017
Copyright © Jackson Marsh 2017
The right of Jackson Marsh to be identified as the Author of the Work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.
All characters in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Printed by CreateSpace, an Amazon.com company.
Available from Amazon.com, CreateSpace.com, and other retail outlets. Available on Kindle and other devices.
This book is intended for adult readers
over the age of 18.
It contains graphic descriptions of gay sex.
Also by Jackson Marsh
Other People’s Dreams
The Mentor of Wildhill Farm
This collection of sex stories is intended for readers over the age of eighteen. I say that just so you know what you’re letting yourself in for.
I write stories and novels in the ‘Older/Younger’ niche, and you will find thirteen of them in this book. I have arranged the book in sections. Six stories concern themselves with gay experiences at school and college, and seven are set on an island in Greece. Some of these stories won a European Gay Porn Award in 2007, and this is the first time they have appeared in print.
If you enjoy them, you will find my website and Facebook details at the end of the book. I love to hear from my readers and, like all authors, I welcome your feedback and contact, so do feel free to get in touch.
I am a self-published author and see to the layout and book design myself. Although the stories have been edited, any remaining errors are my own. All characters depicted here are fictional and any resemblance to any person, living or not, is purely coincidental. Having said that, I hope you will identify with them, either the older or the younger.
Jackson Marsh - Greece, 2017
After Gym Class
We do gym class on a Tuesday, a combined class of thirty of us. I like it for two reasons: One, I like physical activity, and two, everyone has to get in the showers afterwards. And there’s a routine to the showers. The oldest lads, the eighteen-year-olds like me, Dean, Stuart and so on, go first. Straight from our kit into the nude then into the shower while the others have to wait. And they’re not allowed to wait in their kit. They have to get it off and stand there naked in a line.
Plenty to look at there.
Sometimes you see them cover their cocks with their hands. Usually, those who only have a small prick do this, us older boys don’t care. When you’re eighteen or nineteen, you want to show off what you’ve got, and most of us have got a lot to show. But when you’re younger you get embarrassed. A couple of weeks ago me and Milo behaved like prats during the class, and Dean was instructed to punish us afterwards. His way of doing this was to make us stand in line with the other boys and suffer a loss of privilege.
I stood there, cold, with my hands covering my prick, waited, and watched the other guys come and go in and out of the showers. They were playing about, slapping each other with towels and being generally laddish. All I could do was stare at the back of Milo’s head and try not to get caught looking at the other lads as they passed by.
Dean made the two of us wait until everyone else was washed, dressed and had gone off for lunch. Even Mr Myers had gone, so there was just me, Milo and Dean left.
‘Learned your lesson?’ he said with that stupid Liverpool accent of his.
‘Yes, Dean,’ I mumbled.
My legs were aching, and I was freezing by then. We were still waiting in line.
‘I think not.’ He came and stood next to us. ‘You’re not a prefect, so you call me Sir.’
‘Sorry, Sir.’
‘Too late, Darren. O.k. both of you, hands on your heads.’
‘Oh, what?’ Milo is one of the oldest boys in our house, just turned nineteen. He didn’t take to being treated like a third year.
‘You need to learn respect.’ Dean swiped him around the head, and Milo did as he was told.
So, there we were, two sixth formers standing naked by the showers, hands on heads like naughty kids. What next?
‘Come and stand inside so I can keep an eye on you while I get washed,’ Dean ordered, and we were marched into the shower room.
It’s a big, open space and the water spurts out from the walls. You can get fifteen people in there easily, but this time, there were only us three. Neither Milo nor me pointed out that Dean had already had his shower. We just watched as he set the water going, checked the temperature and then threw off his towel.
‘Keep in that line,’ he barked over at us, and his voice echoed off into the sound of splashing water. ‘Closer together so I can see you.’
Milo shuffled back a pace, and I took a step closer to him. I was still looking at his back, but my mind had switched off from our punishment. To try and take my mind off my aching legs and hungry stomach, I looked at Milo’s shoulders and then further down his back. I’d never noticed how smooth he was before, I’d never noticed him much at all. But, as he backed towards me, I couldn’t help but stare at his arse. It was also smooth, white and firm. I was so intent on staring at it that I didn’t notice how close we were until he bumped against my prick. As soon as it touched his arse I felt that familiar shiver run through me, my heart skipped, and I suddenly felt weak. I’d never been this close to him before, and certainly not naked.
‘Keep your hands up,’ Dean growled. ‘And watch me. You need to learn how to wash.’
‘Oh, come off it, Sir.’ Milo did complain then. ‘We’re not kids.’
‘You behaved like kids in class, so I’ll treat you like them now. Watch.’
And so he made us watch as he rubbed soap over his body. When he started rubbing it into his arse crack, I couldn’t help but get a hard-on. What with watching him and feeling Milo only inches in front of me, looking at the back of his shaved head and knowing that at any moment my prick would rise just enough to touch his smooth flesh.
It did just that, and pressed at the bottom of his crack, between his legs. I expected him to move forward, but he didn’t. As Dean washed his face, covering it with his hands, Milo parted his legs just enough to let my prick be trapped between his cheeks. While this was going on, the water from Dean’s shower a few feet away was splashing onto us, and we were both getting wet. The water got in my eyes, but I couldn’t move my hands to wipe them so just had to put up with it.
‘Are you still watching?’ Dean called. His own eyes were closed, and he was reaching for his shampoo.
‘Yes,’ Milo replied. As he spoke, he pushed back, and I felt my cock slide right in between his cheeks.
I couldn’t believe he was doing this and reckoned that he was trying to wind me up. But I didn’t complain. I loved the feel of my cock caught between his soft, firm, buttocks. His shoulder blades touched my chest, and the back of his head was only an inch away from my face. I could smell his sweat from gym class and see the blonde hairs under his arms
turning wet in the spray from the shower.
Dean was rubbing shampoo into his hair and had his back to us now, and I guessed that in a few seconds he would open his eyes and turn. Without thinking of the consequences, I took my hands from my head and reached in front. They went straight to Milo’s cock, and I grabbed it, solid, wet, hard. I pulled on it a couple of times, and he shoved back into me in reply.
Before I knew what had happened my cock was suddenly hot and constricted, it slipped into him, and the two, perfect mounds of his arse were flat against my hips.
‘Make sure you’re paying attention,’ Dean said as he put his head under the shower to wash the shampoo from his hair. ‘I want to see you two wash in a minute.’
‘Yes, Sir.’
My hands flew back to my head. If he’d turned and seen us, then I hate to think what he would have done. We were locked together, my cock buried in Milo’s arse, rock solid and static, the two of us with our arms up, water splashing our faces.
I couldn’t resist. I kissed Milo on the back of the neck, silently and tenderly. He turned his head to show that he didn’t mind, and then he moved his hips. I felt my shaft sliding out until only the tip was left within him. And then he pushed back again. Our eyes stayed fixed on Dean in case he should turn and see, but he was fumbling for conditioner or something, still with his back to us.
Milo pulled forward again, sliding his arsehole smoothly around my cock. I felt the pressure of his buttocks lift from my hips as he moved forward and then press against me again as he slid back. He did this again, and each time I felt my cock swell further, my balls started to ache, and my legs began to tremble. I knew that I couldn’t keep this up for long. I knew that I was going to cum. I wanted to hold him around the waist, wanted to play with his prick for him, but I daren’t move for fear of making too much noise or getting carried away. It didn’t matter, he was happy to fuck himself with my cock, in his own time.
Then he pulled himself so far from my cock that I thought his arse would let me go, but it gripped me tight just in time, and with a quicker movement, swallowed it again. This time I thrust forward and saw the muscles on his back knot up. His arse tightened, his legs went stiff and, unable to stop himself, he slipped his hands from his head and onto mine. He grasped my hands and squeezed tight. His arsehole contracted, crushing my inflamed cock as he pushed back hard and quick, pulling away immediately and then thrusting back. After the third time, he squeezed my hands so hard that I knew he was coming. His body froze, his sphincter grabbed me, and I felt my cock spurt inside him. Each time I came, it swelled more. I felt it spasm. Felt the heat and blast of orgasm deep inside him as his body tightened around it.
We stood as still as we could, unable to make a sound and unable to hold each other as both of us let lose our spunk. Our eyes were fixed on the prefect now, washing soapy water from his back. It ran in rivers until it vanished into the dark crack of his arse. It dripped between his legs, the hair on his balls hanging soaked beneath. I watched it run down his powerful, sportsman’s legs and drain off onto the floor where it mixed with Milo’s cum and tricked away.
‘Right you two,’ Dean suddenly said, and I looked up. He was reaching for a towel, grabbing wildly in his temporary blindness. ‘Get yourselves under the water now and do it properly.’
Milo let go of my hands, reached behind and pushed me away. My cock slid from his arse and flopped, semi-soft into the steamy air as he stepped forward.
And then he turned to face me, showed me his own, still stiff cock, thick and cut, growing from a small patch of blonde pubes, dripping the last of his cum from the slit. He smiled at me and winked.
‘Get a move on,’ Dean barked. He had turned off his shower, and a towel covered his head.
By the time he finally looked back at us we were side by side under adjacent jets of water, our backs to him. No sign of what had just happened betrayed our adventure.
‘Maybe now you’ll behave in gym class,’ Dean tutted and flicked his towel against the back of my legs.
I felt the sting, yelped and flinched. But then, as he left us to finish washing, I felt the after-sting, a dull, warming pain. It felt good.
My mind was distracted. As soon as Dean left the shower, Milo leant over to me, took my aching cock in his hand, pulled me towards him and kissed me hard.
‘Let’s get into trouble again,’ he whispered.
‘I can’t wait.’
Alex’s First Time
It was the start of Spring term, my last year at the school. It was still cold enough for us to have the fire on in our study, and Dean and I used to light it whenever we could. We’d sit in those two battered old chairs we’d cadged off the caretaker, put our feet up on a stool and drink the gin we’d nicked. With the fire alight we could smoke and blow the smoke up the chimney, so no-one caught us. Dean liked to dim the lights and pretend that we were two old farts in a London Club. He’d sometimes pretend to smoke a pipe, and I’d pretend to read him the latest Stock Exchange figures or something. Pretentious or what?
We were prefects by then and so were allowed a helper. A fag as we were not allowed to call him. Ours was a boy named Warner, from the third form. A scrawny little runt who was always ill. He was not much good as a fag either, forever dropping things and getting in the way. Dean wanted to fire him.
On the third night of term, we were expecting him at eight to clean shoes, but he didn’t turn up. Instead, when there was a knock at the door and we shouted, ‘Enter Warner,’ far too grandly, someone else came in.
‘Who are you and what do you want?’ Dean asked, still in his old-git voice.
‘The name’s Gould. Warner is ill, so I thought I’d come instead.’
‘A bit old to be fagging, aren’t you?’ I said. ‘Who are you?’
‘I am a new boy. Just entered the upper sixth this term. You saw me at assembly.’
‘Did I?’ I didn’t remember him even though he was a handsome lad. I’d not had any lessons with him yet, and it was unusual for someone to join in their last year. He must have been eighteen, the same as me. What was stranger was why he was volunteering to fag for us. I asked him the question.
‘I thought it would be an experience,’ he said, raising his eyebrows and grinning.
Dean and I looked at each other.
‘Our reputation precedes us,’ I said.
‘So you know what you’re letting yourself in for, Gould?’ Dean asked.
‘Oh, yes,’ he replied, adding, ‘Sir,’ to show that he was willing to act out his part.
He also added a cute smile and a wink. Someone had told him what Dean and I got up to in our study, and it seemed that he was more than up for it.
Dean and I shared one more glance and nodded agreement to each other.
‘Very well,’ Dean sighed. ‘Lock the door, and you can start on the shoes.’
Gould went to work on polishing our shoes as we sat and stared into the fire. After a while I noticed that Dean was glancing more and more at the boy who was kneeling just off to my left, his back to us. Dean nudged me and nodded his head towards the lad.
I realised what he was hinting at. As Gould knelt and bent forwards to do his work, his shirt came away from his trousers revealing the top of his arse. Builder’s butt we’d call it now. He was a slim lad, not fat in any way but not scrawny and unattractive like Warner. His hair was cut in the uniform short back and sides, and it was dark, his shoulders were broad, and as he worked, I could see that his arms were muscled.
‘A pleasing sight eh, Stuart?’ Dean smirked at me.
‘Indeed it is, Dean,’ I smiled back. I knew what he was getting at.
‘Very fuckable.’ Dean dropped his stupid accent, and his own Liverpudlian one sounded through the room.
The boy stopped polishing the shoes and froze.
‘Why have you stopped, lad?’ Dean asked, and the boy started his work again. ‘Come here.’
Obediently the lad stood up and turned to us. His face was
red, his cheeks glowing with embarrassment, and his eyes betraying just a little fear.
‘No need to be nervous,’ Dean said. ‘We’re two of the school’s prefects. You do well by us, and we’ll look after you. Okay.?
‘Yes sir,’ the boy replied.
‘Good. Now come and stand in front of my friend Stuart so that he can take a good look at you.’
The boy did as he was told, putting down his brushes first and wiping his hands on a cloth before coming to stand facing me.
I was able to take a proper look at him then. His face was attractive enough, with wide brown eyes, thin eyebrows and cheekbones that defined its shape. His skin was smooth, no sign of any acne or blemish and with only a faint hint of fluff shadowing beneath his nose. He stood with his hands by his sides and looked at me apprehensively.
‘Tell me, Gould,’ Dean said. ‘What do you like most about what you see?’
‘Sir?’ The new boy didn’t understand.
‘My friend, Stuart. What do you like best about him?
‘I don’t know, Sir.’
‘You must know something.’ Dean used the standard teacher reply.
‘Er…Well…’ The lad hesitated.
‘It’s okay, Gould,’ I reassured him. ‘You can say whatever you want. You won’t get in trouble.’
‘Thank you, Sir.’ He smiled with relief, and I sensed him relax. ‘Well, I like that he has a kind face.’
‘Bloody good, Gould,’ Dean said. ‘What else?’
‘That he needs a shave.’
Dean laughed and swigged gin.
‘Is that his best feature?’ he asked.
‘I don’t know, Sir,’ Gould replied.
‘No, you wouldn’t,’ Dean mumbled. ‘Shall I tell you what his best feature is?’